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Friday, January 29, 2010

Tech N9ne

Tech N9ne is one of Kansas city's  most decorated emcee's. Recently selling over a million copies of his album "Killer", his career has reached a new, ground breaking milestone. He demonstrates all around musical versatility with one of the fastest flows in the game, top notch production and a wide range of lyrical content. It's a huge inspiration to see someone reach this level of success and really deserve it, it's a rare sight to see. Every track keeps you on the edge of your seat... Not only dose he bring originality, but I find he's able to take more commercial styles and with his own touch, breathe new life into them. I hate auto-tune with a deep seethed passion!!! To think that I would ever like a song with auto-tune again is saying something. Tech N9ne undoubtedly has an ability to take something played out and make it exciting again, as well as a talent for creating something unheard of and unique. So I leave you with the video for "Low" from the K.O.D album.

Albums available on i-tunes: Tech N9ne

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