Check out my E.P L.Vijalanti

Friday, January 29, 2010

Heroes Remix by L.Vijalanti

This is one of my most recent songs, produced by myself, a remix of the Roni Size classic heroes. I like to think I create something of an underdog theme, the under lying message "I don't know no heroes". It's not to say that there aren't some genuine heroes to this day who are dedicating their lives to help people and end human suffering... It's just that I feel that the world is dying, our humanity is dying, we're losing the very soul and spirit that makes us who we are. At the same time, being a person trying to change my surroundings, I feel that our true heroes, people who fought and often died for our rights and freedom are being forgotten. People do not seem willing to stand up to the evil raping our world... Being outspoken and rebellious is ridiculed, while the people idolized are often some moronic reality stars that achieved nothing but acting like a fool on camera.

Is this really what our society has come to? Anyways, the song is about my turmoil, trying to reach out to the world with my message of revolution and valuing our humanity and being forgotten and stepped on by the world in the process.

So here it is, hope you enjoy...

Also check out Roni Size on i-tunes: Roni Size

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