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Saturday, January 30, 2010

I Hate My Life!!! Pt. 2

Ok so as I already established, I don't hate my life, just the grimy nasty shit that I have to put up with at times.

When I was cleaning the fryer filters above, that night they were particularly full of oil... The manager was rushing me, I burned my hand on the metal part of the filter, dropped it and ALL THAT SLOP SPLASHED ALL OVER MY FACE, IN MY EYES AND IN MY MOUTH!!! I stumbled into the the bathroom and was scrubbing my face down... I freaked out and thought I was blind when I opened my eyes and could only see white!!! Turned out the oil was just coating my eyeballs.

The crazy bitch manager sends me home... The next day I find out she tells everyone I left early and didn't punch out and I had just left without telling anyone. Turns out the manager didn't file an incident, or even tell anyone that I had hot oil splashed in my face the night before. Luckily it was cooled down enough not to leave me with third degree burns, but still hurt like a bitch and was a really disgusting experience!!!

You know... I never liked my job, but would have happily just done it without complaining had they not harassed me, made my life a living hell and treated me different from all the other employees, but... THANKS FOR THE LAWSUIT!!! I'm gonna expose the hell out of this place.

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