Check out my E.P L.Vijalanti

Saturday, January 30, 2010

L.Vijalanti Black Swan Remix

I created this remix of the Thom Yorke song "Black Swan" from his solo album "The Eraser". Thom Yorke, the lead singer of Radiohead, is one of my favorite artists of all time. I consider Eraser to be an abstract, musical master piece. This album gives me a similar rush of emotion I get when I watch anime's, it really takes you on a journey of imagination. I first heard Black Swan when I watched "A Scanner Darkly". I immediately looked for the song but couldn't find it. A few months later I heard "The Eraser" playing in a tattoo parlor in Manhattan, I was hooked. Sitting in Prospect Park one summers day listening to "Black Swan" all these lyrics came into my head which I jotted down on a scrap of paper. At first I anticipated sampling the song and building my own drums and synths over it, but the song was just to damn perfect so I let the composition be and just added my vocals to it. I'm hoping with permission that I can release this eventually, so here it is:

Check out Thom Yorke on i-tunes: The Eraser

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