Check out my E.P L.Vijalanti

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A day in my life

Like so many, I work like a slave for minimum wage. This is me waiting for the bus to get to work...

Oh and this is what I do at work:

Yeah, cleaning out fryer filters and scrubbing dishes everyday, coming home late night saturated in grease and smelling like chicken nuggets and cheap greasy bacon, only to get up early the next day and do it all over again for wages that couldn't rent you a crack den is not were I want my life to be.

So I'm trying to make enough of this:

So that I don't have to see this:

Seems simple enough right... But when every aspect of your life seems to be raped and sabotaged by shitty luck and situations that shatter everything you work so damn hard for, you find yourself wanting to tear your hair out.

This is my music space:

Might not look like much but it's everything I need to make proffessional quality music. I feel sorry for you people out there that have million dollar budgets out there and still suck!!! One day I'm gonna make it, you'll see!!!

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