Check out my E.P L.Vijalanti

Saturday, January 30, 2010

NYC Graffiti and Street Art Pt. 2

This is a collection of pictures I took following different artists in the 5 boroughs. I put these video's together with Dubstep remixes of Wu Tang. Big up all NYC artists reppin!!!

L.Vijalant "Every Day Struggle"

If you've been following my "I hate my life" blog, you'll understand some of the under lying themes of this song. This piece was produced, written and composed by me. The song reflects the struggles myself and many others endure, from trying to get by on piss poor wages, to life in the violent overcrowded ghettos of New York. It also reflects a positive outlook, no matter how hard life can be it's a beautiful thing to be alive. I try and showing the blessing within the curse, it's a kind of paradox of life I often ponder on.

So I leave you with "Every Day Struggle".

I Hate My Life!!! Pt. 2

Ok so as I already established, I don't hate my life, just the grimy nasty shit that I have to put up with at times.

When I was cleaning the fryer filters above, that night they were particularly full of oil... The manager was rushing me, I burned my hand on the metal part of the filter, dropped it and ALL THAT SLOP SPLASHED ALL OVER MY FACE, IN MY EYES AND IN MY MOUTH!!! I stumbled into the the bathroom and was scrubbing my face down... I freaked out and thought I was blind when I opened my eyes and could only see white!!! Turned out the oil was just coating my eyeballs.

The crazy bitch manager sends me home... The next day I find out she tells everyone I left early and didn't punch out and I had just left without telling anyone. Turns out the manager didn't file an incident, or even tell anyone that I had hot oil splashed in my face the night before. Luckily it was cooled down enough not to leave me with third degree burns, but still hurt like a bitch and was a really disgusting experience!!!

You know... I never liked my job, but would have happily just done it without complaining had they not harassed me, made my life a living hell and treated me different from all the other employees, but... THANKS FOR THE LAWSUIT!!! I'm gonna expose the hell out of this place.

My World

Since photography is one of my favorite hobbies, here's a collection of pictures from my life:

L.Vijalanti Black Swan Remix

I created this remix of the Thom Yorke song "Black Swan" from his solo album "The Eraser". Thom Yorke, the lead singer of Radiohead, is one of my favorite artists of all time. I consider Eraser to be an abstract, musical master piece. This album gives me a similar rush of emotion I get when I watch anime's, it really takes you on a journey of imagination. I first heard Black Swan when I watched "A Scanner Darkly". I immediately looked for the song but couldn't find it. A few months later I heard "The Eraser" playing in a tattoo parlor in Manhattan, I was hooked. Sitting in Prospect Park one summers day listening to "Black Swan" all these lyrics came into my head which I jotted down on a scrap of paper. At first I anticipated sampling the song and building my own drums and synths over it, but the song was just to damn perfect so I let the composition be and just added my vocals to it. I'm hoping with permission that I can release this eventually, so here it is:

Check out Thom Yorke on i-tunes: The Eraser

Friday, January 29, 2010

Heroes Remix by L.Vijalanti

This is one of my most recent songs, produced by myself, a remix of the Roni Size classic heroes. I like to think I create something of an underdog theme, the under lying message "I don't know no heroes". It's not to say that there aren't some genuine heroes to this day who are dedicating their lives to help people and end human suffering... It's just that I feel that the world is dying, our humanity is dying, we're losing the very soul and spirit that makes us who we are. At the same time, being a person trying to change my surroundings, I feel that our true heroes, people who fought and often died for our rights and freedom are being forgotten. People do not seem willing to stand up to the evil raping our world... Being outspoken and rebellious is ridiculed, while the people idolized are often some moronic reality stars that achieved nothing but acting like a fool on camera.

Is this really what our society has come to? Anyways, the song is about my turmoil, trying to reach out to the world with my message of revolution and valuing our humanity and being forgotten and stepped on by the world in the process.

So here it is, hope you enjoy...

Also check out Roni Size on i-tunes: Roni Size

Tech N9ne

Tech N9ne is one of Kansas city's  most decorated emcee's. Recently selling over a million copies of his album "Killer", his career has reached a new, ground breaking milestone. He demonstrates all around musical versatility with one of the fastest flows in the game, top notch production and a wide range of lyrical content. It's a huge inspiration to see someone reach this level of success and really deserve it, it's a rare sight to see. Every track keeps you on the edge of your seat... Not only dose he bring originality, but I find he's able to take more commercial styles and with his own touch, breathe new life into them. I hate auto-tune with a deep seethed passion!!! To think that I would ever like a song with auto-tune again is saying something. Tech N9ne undoubtedly has an ability to take something played out and make it exciting again, as well as a talent for creating something unheard of and unique. So I leave you with the video for "Low" from the K.O.D album.

Albums available on i-tunes: Tech N9ne

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Real Hip Hop (Lupe Fiasco)

"Dumb It Down"

Check out this video... I think it's an excellent parody of commercial hip hop and pop culture. The fictitious idea that you need to resort to ignorant "bitches and hoes stereotypes" to be a successful artist is completely shattered by this song alone. Lupe's main stream success with cultured, provocative, musically innovative and socially relevant music is not only a breathe of fresh air, but an inspiration to all other artists making meaningful music. Selling out is not our only option. Personally, I would rather be unsuccessful then sell my soul for a pop audience.

Check out Lupe's new single!!! Available on i-tunes:

I'm Beaming

The World Through My Eyes

This is a collection of photos I took from all over NYC, Upstate NY, New Jersey and Baltimore. These are some of the things I see on my journey through life. I try and capture the moment through images and music.

NYC Graffiti and Street Art

Growing up in NYC, you see some unreal shit, from gun fights on the street, to someone jumping out of the trunk of a moving car... There's definitely no place like the place I'm from. I feel a deep connection to the cities art and beautiful scenery. For years I've been building a collection of graffiti photography, snapping pictures anywhere I found a good graffiti spot. I've put together some videos of such images to Dubstep remixes of Wu-Tang songs.

Here's part 1:

I Hate My Life!!!

Now playing: Estelle - American Boy
via FoxyTunes Ok I don't really hate my life, I love the many blessings I have but Got damn!!! At the start of my day, I always tell myself, "This is gonna be a good day, stay positive just believe." Anyways, get to my stinking ass job, gotta take the garbage out and the elevators broken. Ok no problem, I'll just drag all the garbage cans down the stairs. Go down, put the garbage in the dumpster, realize I'm locked out. Ok so I start to walk the other way and slip in melting ice and land in a puddle of stinking garbage slush which had been collecting in front of the dumpster and mixed in with the snow. Ok so being locked out I drag the garbage cans through the movie theater into the mall only to find of course, the up escalators not working the down escalator is of course and there's some little kid playing on the escalator blocking my path. I say excuse me repeatedly and he just ignores me so I start to loose my patients and get in an argument with his parents. Finally make it back to the kitchen and get yelled at for taking to long to take the garbage out. To make my day even better, I'm told that nobody cleaned the refrigerator area floor like they were supposed to so I have to clean it (typically, not only do I have to do my job, but also everyone Else's and the grimy jobs no one else will do). I have to hand wash the rubber mat on the floor which has years worth of rotting vegetables on it and stinks like shit (Literally). So now not only do I smell like garbage I smell like rotten vegetables. Of course everyone notices the stench and won't shut up about it. Then I find out that the wash pump in the sink is broken so I have to scrub every dish by hand great!!!


(This being about 5% of the amount of dishes I have to do every night)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A day in my life

Like so many, I work like a slave for minimum wage. This is me waiting for the bus to get to work...

Oh and this is what I do at work:

Yeah, cleaning out fryer filters and scrubbing dishes everyday, coming home late night saturated in grease and smelling like chicken nuggets and cheap greasy bacon, only to get up early the next day and do it all over again for wages that couldn't rent you a crack den is not were I want my life to be.

So I'm trying to make enough of this:

So that I don't have to see this:

Seems simple enough right... But when every aspect of your life seems to be raped and sabotaged by shitty luck and situations that shatter everything you work so damn hard for, you find yourself wanting to tear your hair out.

This is my music space:

Might not look like much but it's everything I need to make proffessional quality music. I feel sorry for you people out there that have million dollar budgets out there and still suck!!! One day I'm gonna make it, you'll see!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


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