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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Selling Out

I'm going to start by showing two video's with completely opposite perspectives. I think they speak for themselves. First video is from the legendary KRS One speaking about what it means to sell out:

Now the second video is an interview with Paul Wall were I think he epitomizes the mentality that killed Hip Hop:

Now, I'm going to play something of my music:

It should be obvious to most who listen, I'm an artist at the very least. I care deeply about music because without it there is no life. What I do can not be bottled or sold in any capacity, so to sell out would simply mean I would seize to exist. Become another robot, mass producing noise for the consumer. As for any body out there who loves Hip Hop... I know your sick of commercialism killing the soul of the artist. Sick of money and material gain being valued over anything genuine, artistic or spiritual. Sick of the endless mediocre garbage and noise pollution being pumped into the airwaves.

Rest assured, I intend to do no such thing as sell out, I will do my best to stay on top of my game and if I break these promises, I never deserved your respect in the first place, I deserve to be torn down and reminded of these words. If I do happen to fall from grace, I hope you will help me up when I put the pieces back together and the meaning back into my music and life. I will do the same for any artist that suffers the same fate...

I know what is really important, and can't be bought, my soul is not for sale, thank you.

-The Last Vijalanti

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