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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Die Antwoord

When I saw this video my reaction was, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!!!!!". But to be perfectly honest, I got hooked on the music instantly. I got their latest album SOS and have been listening to that for days straight. I haven't been this excited about music for a while.

I like music that sort of feels like the place a person is from, in this case South Africa. It has a certain bass heavy, griminess to it, and it's danceable at the same time. Being that they mix Afrikaans, with south African English slang it's a little hard to understand all the lyrics, BUT WHO CARES IT SOUNDS DOPE!!! I can't wait for the US tour.

Here's another one of my favorite videos from Die Antwoord.


  1. Cool band! Found fokken coole zef fanzone of die antwoord @ Tsjekkit it's poes cool!

  2. Yeah, gotta say I'm loving this band. I'm not the only one they really popular in New York these days. My brother in law put me on to them. I'm looking at this site you gave me now. Want me to post a link on my blog?
