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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Music Sucks These Days!!! (Brokencyde, The Millionaires)

Now I've hated mainstream music for a long time. Every time I think it can't get any worse, some band or artist comes out and takes it to a new low. Here are a couple examples:

Now I won't torture with any more of their songs as I'm sure your ears are bleeding by now. Those of you who haven't committed suicide by now, thanks for sticking with me.

My initial reaction to Brokencyde was to put a jack hammer to my ear drums. Hearing the other group, the Alcoholics or the Millionaire Whores or whatever they're called, I tried to jump out a window face first. I mean this is what people are into? Really?! I mean... I can understand people may have different musical taste to me, but DAMN!!!

If you could vomit diarrhea and it was also possible for sound to smell like diarrhea mixed with the stench of Hitlers rotting corpse after being fished out of a sewage plant... You would have something equivalent to this abomination. I don't know who the fuck these emo douche bags are but I never thought it was possible for me to want to murder someone more then the Blazing Squad. Congratulations!!! Oh, and whats with these little, herpes infested skanks layered in enough makeup to plaster and entire wall. They're all in their 20's and sound like a bunch of ditzy, airhead 15 year olds. I mean... besides how bad the music is, it sounds like they wrote the lyrics with a crayon. I hope all these bands kill themselves, LIKE RIGHT NOW!!!

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