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Thursday, April 15, 2010

What is Immortal Tech's Roll In The Obama Era?

Tech is one of the most lyrically advanced, relevant artists ever. He spit in the face of cooperate "hip pop" culture and was everyone's antidote to the lie's and evil perpetrated by the Bush administration. His highly controversial, anti establishment lyrics hit the underground like an atom bomb. Selling over 400,00 cd's with no major label backing, often on the street, he rose up as one of the most successful independent artists of his time. The Peruvian rappers lyrics are largely a mixture of commentary on issues such as politics, poverty, religion, social class and racism. He is also an activist, frequently on the front line, fighting for human rights in the most deprived and hostile countries worldwide.

The Bush era to many was this nations boiling point. People were angry, the constitution was shredded, we were dragged into an unjustified war that few supported, and that cost us trillions. Many believed 9/11 was an inside job, a ploy to invade a country without provocation and to simultaneously create and oppressive police state were the government has absolute power. This "Orwellian Big Brother" regime was hard to ignore in light of the patriot act, which allowed the government to imprison people indefinitely without trial under the guise of national security and anti terror laws enacted by the Bush administration.

Tech quickly emerged as the voice everyone was waiting for, verbally attacking the fascist rhetoric of our leaders with powerful words of revolution and justice for humanity. I believe much of his success, was not only a direct result of his tremendous talent and word play, but people were tired of being lied to. Tech spoke the truth about issues that played out in our everyday lives. In a time of great turmoil, everyone loves a man of the people, locked and loaded, taking shots at the ignorant, oppressive, ruling elite.

Since Bush left office, not to much has changed in the world. Tech's message is just as relevant now as they were then. However, it may be easier to stir up the peoples disgust at a half witted, maniacal tyrant such as Bush then it is to have the same effect with a charismatic, inspirational and highly intelligent Obama.

I'm not suggesting to blindly trust Obama, or to overlook the fact that he has many of the same backers Bush did... I'm merely stating that if I were in techs position now, I may have to reinvent myself as an artist in order to continue raising awareness of the issues.

Whatever the future holds for the revolutionary, hip hop activist... I want to show my support for his mission and that of anyone who fights for humanity and the rights of the people the world turns it's back on...

Good luck Tech, here's one of my favorite songs:

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