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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Life

Well time to get personal, this is me...

Maybe one of the most slept on artists. One day the world will know me I swear.

That's the crew, Freshkidz are one of the most positive things to happen in the Bronx, Hip Hop, Dancehall and Reggae parties all day. We have a whole stronghold were we have dance battles, sound-clashes and even a recording studio.

It means a lot to have the support of the hood... But life is so complicated, I spend most my time either in some shitty minimum wage job, in DSS or in the hospital. What little time I have I dedicate to recording my album. Plus I'm a married man now.

Above is me and my beautiful wife on our wedding day. She made me the happiest man in the world. A few days later, I almost lost her to congestive heart failure. It was scary being by her side in the hospital. I'm just so glad she's still with me and praying she gets better.

These are two of my best friends ever. They Scott and Dannielle, were madly in love and inseparable.

Scott was the best friend a person could ever have. He was tragically taken from us over the summer, R.I.P Scott, you'll always be loved and never forgotten. Not only was he everything to his women, he was such a happy, positive person full of wisdom. He would light up the room when he stepped in. He would give you the shirt off his back. He was one of the best rappers to bless this Earth, we were supposed to work on our album, I just got my studio set up... Really hurts that I never got a song done with him. I lost a really good friend. Scott, Dannielle and me and my wife were so close, we were always like the double dates running the city streets at night having fun. Nobody could freestyle like me and Scott when we got into a cipher. The world aint the same without you brotha!!!

That's my friend Addy. She was so beautiful, so kind, just such a wonderful person. She was a sister in our tribe and loved by everyone. She took her own life, she was going through hell, life was cruel to her... I think she just wanted to end the pain. When she died recently I was devastated, so many people were. Me and her went way back. When I was on the mic at a show or party she was always at the front cheering, always supportive, always shining. R.I.P Addy, we all love you and miss you so much. Nothing is the same without you sister!!! I just hope and pray that you found your way home. Our love and prayers are always with you.

I never really had a family myself... My friends are everything to me. I miss yall so much.

This is my life, all I got are my peoples. My wife and I just lost our home to top things off, plus I got fired from my job and now she's to sick to work. We got no were to go!!! I never asked for much, just wanna have a home, a dog, good people around me and be able to make my music. Sometimes even the little things you may take for granted are so hard to reach. But I wouldn't trade my life for anything... This is who I am, this is what I was given. Even if I may never see you in the physical, I'm grateful to know such amazing and wonderful people. See you on the other side someday. Bless you all!!!

Welcome to my world.

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