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Friday, November 19, 2010


Well first and fore most, I'd like to thank my viewers for stopping by. Well here I am, another chapter of this journey... I haven't had any time to work on the blog much as I'm still homeless and don't have much access to a computer. I now live in Newburgh, one of New York's most dangerous and deprived cities. It's the end of the line, the last place Orange County DSS dumps your sorry ass when your down and out. Since my wife has become very ill, I've had to become her full time care taker, it's not an easy task when you live in the shelter. I work day and night with the little we have to keep us afloat. I get no sleep, barley eat and they treat us like animals. We need to get out of here... We're trying to find a way to move back to NYC, most likely Brooklyn.

Although I will never allow our dreams to die, I used to have everyday goals. Nowadays we just try and make it to the end of the month alive. People tell me smile, be happy... I'd love to. In reality I'm so tired. Everyday is a battle for survival, plus the system is so corrupt. I even had my wife's phone stolen off me by a cop.

I'll never give up on life, someday I might even live. I'm well aware that there are an overwhelming amount of people in the world that suffer much worse, but this path takes me down some rough roads. This is my life, I would die protecting the people I love and the values that keep my dream alive.

If you're reading this and going through hard times yourself... much love to ya, keep ya head up.

If there is one positive note to end on... I realize that I'm a fighter. I will never let anything break me. When it seems the most hopeless and your the most tired, fight like you've never fought before.

One love...

This is some of my scenery:


  1. I love the GHETTO concept. Paz

  2. Used to go there all the time to see family when I lived in Montgomery. I don't remember how it looked then cause I was really little. Sad to see it looking like this though.

  3. You are a very brave person and I hope things get better for you and your family. Some times I just wish that a group of people from the community can chip in and help newburgh become a better and safer place.

    1. Are you still in Newburgh? Wondering what happened to you. Also I was wondering since there are so many abandoned buildings in Newburgh, can’t you just bust into one and take up residence? Doesn’t seem like anybody would care.
