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Friday, March 5, 2010

Back to The Bronx

Over the years, many places have been home to me... The Bronx was my habitat through some crazy times. There wasn't a place like it. The noise, intensity in the air. All times of day music echoing off every building, drowning out the shouting in the background. Upstairs downstairs, parties all day and night, seven days a week. I still go back to visit... I still record and produce music with people there. Whichever way you look at it, living there shaped me as a person, for better or for worse. Here is what life looks like back Uptown.

That's the second time this place burned down recently... this was the first time,

This scenery is all to familiar... I remember feeling trapped like a rat and forgotten by the world. At the same time I miss the community spirit that existed there and all the beautiful people I know. Life still flourishes even in the darkest corners.


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